Important Information

We collect some personal information when you use our website, and because we take your privacy seriously, we provide the following Privacy Policy, which describes what information we collect and how it is used. This policy may be updated from time to time, and we advise you to re-read it regularly to keep informed of any changes.

Your use of this website signifies your understanding of, agreement with and acceptance of all terms laid out in this policy. If you do not agree with all of the terms herein, do not continue to use the website.

This website is not intended for those under the age of majority, and we do not knowingly collect information from such persons.

We are committed to the security of your personal information and take every precaution to ensure it is not lost or misused.

This policy applies to information gathered through your use of either the desktop or mobile version of the website or any applications authored by us that permit access to the website content. It also applies to information gathered from any email correspondence you may have with the website administrators.

This policy does not apply to third parties that may be linked to or be accessible from this website. Clicking on advertising or other links that navigate away from this website may result in third party collection of your personal information, over which we have no control and for whose privacy policies we bear no responsibility.

If you have questions concerning this policy, please send them to us through our contact form.

Information we collect

We gather different kinds of information from registered and non-registered users of our website as described in the following:

A. Members - If you become a member of the website by registering, you voluntarily provide such information as username, password and email address. We collect information about your preferences and interests and any other information your provide in your communications with us. Technical and usage data we collect from non-members is also collected from you (see 'Browsers' below).

B. Browsers - When you use our website we collect technical data that includes your IP address, any referral URL, your browser type and version, your time zone and geographical location, and other such metrics. We also collect data on how you use our website and services.

How we collect information

Your data is collected by us in the following ways:

Passive Collection - We collect information when you visit our website, which may include your IP address, browser type, language, geographic location and time zone, among other such technical details.

Active Collection - We collect information through your direct interactions with the website. This includes registering as a member, posting comments or other materials, and communicating with us by any means.

How we use personal information

The personal data collected by us is used for the following purposes:

- For the provision of the website and the ability to interact with its features

- To offer quality content and advertising that corresponds with your interests

- For the purposes of research and analysis necessary for the maintenance and improvement of the website

- To allow for technical diagnostics to keep the website functioning as it should

- To enable us to communicate with you in order to solve issues and to process your requests and feedback

- To comply with applicable laws and regulations and cooperate with law enforcement

Sharing of information

It is not our policy to share the personal data of users, except to the following parties in the following circumstances:

- Companies and individuals that perform services on our behalf, such as customer management, advertising, analytics, functionality, security and compliance, and only for the purpose of providing the services

- Any buyer or legal successor who receives ownership of our business, or a substantial portion thereof, for reasons such as bankruptcy, merger, sale, liquidation, or any similar proceeding

- Regulators, law enforcement or other such authorities to comply with the law or protect our rights or the rights of other parties

Your legal rights

You have the right to review, correct, update, delete, or request a copy of your personal information. You have the right to restrict its processing, to request its transfer, or to withdraw your consent. Contact us to exercise these rights.

International Transfers

We may transfer, store, and process the information we collect about you to and in countries other than your own country. This may include transfer to and storage and processing by third-party service providers who may be outside of the European Economic Area. Your use of our website signifies your agreement with this.
